How to Search/Find the saved Mysql Data/Record

<!doctype html>
   /*-----------------------------------CONNECTIVITY CODE-----------------------------------*/
     error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);      //optional,to remove warning messages.
        if ($conn)
           echo "database connected successfully","<br>";
           die("Connection Aborted:" . mysqli_connect_error());
/*-------------------------------------SEARCH CODE------------------------------------*/
   $query2="select * from chlsave where TxtSlno4='$SearchBx1'";
<!--------------------------------HTML DESIGN CODE------------------------------------->    
      <title>Codershelpline Code for display html value</title>
      <form name="form1" id="form2" action="#" method="post" >
	    <fieldset style="width: 600px">				
		<legend>Create New Student Account</legend>
			  <td>Serial No.</td>
			  <td><input type="text" name="TxtSlno" value="<?php echo $TxtSlno3;?>"></td>
			  <td>Search Box</td>
			     <select name="SearchBx" id="SearchBx">									
				   $res=mysqli_query($conn,"select TxtSlno4 from chlsave");
					<option value="<?php echo $row['TxtSlno4'];?>"><?php echo 
			  <td>Student Name</td>
			  <td><input type="text" name="TxtSname" value="<?php echo $TxtSname3;?>">
			    <textarea cols="35" rows="5" name="TxaAddr"><?php echo $TxaAddr3;?>
		              <input type="radio" name="Rdbsex" id="RdbMale" <?php echo $Gen1;?> 
		              <input type="radio" name="Rdbsex" id="RdbFemale" <?php echo $Gen2;?> 
		              <input type="radio" name="Rdbsex" id="RdbOther" <?php echo $Gen3;?>

			  <td>User Name</td>
			  <td><input type="text" name="TxtUname" value="<?php echo $TxtUname3;?>">
			  <td><input type="password" name="TxtPassword" value="<?php echo 
			  <td>Confirm Password</td>
			  <td><input type="password" name="TxtCpassword" value="<?php echo 
			  <td><input type="date" name="DtpDob" value="<?php echo $DtpDob3;?>"></td>
			  <td>Mobile No.</td>
			  <td><input type="Number" name="TxtMobno" value="<?php echo $TxtMobno3;?>">
			  <td><input type="text" name="TxtEmail" value="<?php echo $TxtEmail3;?>">
			  <td>Security Questions</td>
				if($CmbSecQues3==="What is Your Favourite Book")
				if($CmbSecQues3==="What is Your Favourite Teacher")
				if($CmbSecQues3==="What is Your Favourate Place")
				if($CmbSecQues3==="What is Your Favourate Pets")
                             <select name="CmbSecQues">
                                <option value="Choose One">Choose One</option>
                                <option <?php echo $SecQues1;?> value="What is Your Favourite Book">
                                   What is Your Favourite Book</option>
                                <option <?php echo $SecQues2;?> value="What is Your Fav. Teacher">
                                   What is Your Favourite Teacher</option>
                                <option <?php echo $SecQues3;?> value="What is Your Favourate Place">
                                   What is Your Favourate Place</option> 
                                <option <?php echo $SecQues4;?> value="What is Your Favourate Pets">
                                   What is Your Favourate Pets</option>
			<td>Security Answer</td>
			<td><input type="text" name="TxtSecAns" value="<?php echo $TxtSecAns3;?>">
			   <input type="checkbox" name="ChkCricket" <?php echo $Ckt;?> value=
			   <input type="checkbox" name="ChkDance" <?php echo $Dnc;?> value=
			   <input type="checkbox" name="ChkMusic" <?php echo $Msc;?> value=
			<td><input type="text" name="TxtRem" value="<?php echo $TxtRem3;?>"></td>
			<td><input type="submit" name="BtnSave" value="Save">
			    <input type="reset" name="BtnReset" value="Reset">
			    <input type="submit" name="BtnDel" value="Delete">
			    <input type="submit" name="BtnSrc" value="Search">
			    <input type="submit" name="BtnUpd" value="Update">


How to Display/Print Image from MySql Database using Php

     error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);	
	if (!$conn)
           die("Connection Aborted:" . mysqli_connect_error());

   	     $store="select * from chlsave where imageid3='$imageid2'";	

   	     while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result))
   		 echo '<img height="300" width="300" src="data:image;base64,'.$row[1].'">'; 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                <td>Image Id</td>
		    <input type="text" name="imageid1">
		    <input type="submit" name="simage" value="Search Image">
		    <input type="reset" name="rst" value="Reset">								

/* NB:
Database name:codershelpline. Table name:chlsave. Here a Field Name:imageid3, is a primarykey field on the basis of which image is searched.
In the code $row[1] where 1 is the index value of image field in the MySql Database(i.e. 2nd column of MySql database which is started as 0,1...).

The Program code 'src="data:image;base64' is used to display image. */


Categories: Php Proj


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