Introduction of Representation of Graph

  • Graphs are believed to be a way of expressing relationships between pairs of items and are one of the most important abstractions in computer science.


  • The representation of a graph is a way to store graphical format inside the computer’s memory in the binary form either statically or dynamically.


  • The representation of the graph occurs in sequence in memory.


  • There are two common ways to represent graphs in a computer’s memory. These are as follows:-
    • Adjacency matrix(as Array)
    • Adjacency list(as Linked List)

Adjacency Matrix

    • Adjacency Matrix is the representation of a graph inside memory in the form of a 2D array/matrix of size V x V (where V is the number of vertices available in a graph).
    • An adjacency matrix is applied for both directed or undirected as well as weighted or non-weighted graphs.
    • The adjacency matrix for undirected graphs is always symmetric.
    • In a weighted graph, adj[i][j] = w  i.e., there is an existence of edge from vertex i to vertex j with weight value w in their matrix representation but for non-weighted graph instead of weight values we use 1s for edge existing and 0s for no edge existing.
    • It is easier to implement and follow.
    • The matrix representation easily determines the connection of vertices in the graph.
    • This representation consumes more space O(V2).

Adjacency Lists

    • Adjacency Lists is the representation of a graph inside memory in the form of an array of Linked Lists.
    • An array of lists is used. The size of the array is equal to the number of vertices.
    • Adjacency Lists are applied for both directed or undirected as well as weighted or non-weighted graphs.
    • The weights of edges can be represented as lists of pairs.
    • This representation saves memory space and time.
    • It can be represented in two forms. In one form, the array is used to store n vertices, and the chain is used to store its adjacencies/edges.
    • Adding a new vertex/data value is easier in adjacency lists.
    • Traversing all the neighbors’ vertex from a source takes optimal time.


  • The Graph representation is used in statistical work to determine, relate, and compare different data. This gives various information in facts and figures for analysis 


Categories: Graphs


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