Introduction of Tree

  • Tree is also known as General Tree.



  • Nodes that have no parent is called Root Node.
  • They are at the top position in the tree.

Parent Node :

  • Nodes that are represented at the tail of an arrow is called Parent Node.

Child Node :

  • Nodes that are represented at the head of an arrow is called Child Node.

    Internal Node :

    • A Node with at least one children in a tree is called Internal nodes.
    • All the nodes except leaf nodes in a tree are known as internal nodes.

    External/Leaf Node :

    • A Node with no children in a tree is called External or leaf nodes.

    Typical Tree Structure : Coders Helpline

    Siblings :

    • Nodes that are derived from same parent are collectively known as Sibling node or child.


    • The node itself, its parent, its parent of parent etc. are considered as ancestors in a tree.


    • The node itself, its child, its child of child etc. are considered as descendent in a tree.



    • The set of edges from a root to a particular node in sequence in a tree is called path of that node.

    Path Length:

    • The total no. of edges used in a path is called the length of the path.

    Level of tree:

    • The longest path length from the root.
    • The root is considered as level 0.

    Level of node:

    • The path length from the root to that node is called Level of node in the tree.

    Depth of tree:

    • The depth of a tree is equal to the length of the longest leaf node.

    Depth of a node:

    • The length of the unique path from the root to that node is the depth of a node.
    • Number of ancestors of that node is called depth of a node.

    Height of tree:

    • The longest path length from root to a leaf node is called Height of tree.
    • The maximum depth of any node in a tree is called height of the tree.
    • All leaves are considered as at height 0.
    • The height of a tree is equal to the height of the root.

    Degree of node:

    • The maximum number of possible children/child nodes of individual node in the tree is called the degree of that node.

    Degree of tree:

    • The maximum number of possible children/child nodes of a node in the tree is called the degree of tree.

    Definition of Tree

    • The tree is a non-linear, non-contiguous, acyclic, and hierarchical data structure in which a huge amount of data is stored in the form of root nodes, parent nodes, and child nodes.
    • A tree (upside down) is an abstract model of a hierarchical structure. 

    Properties of Tree

    • Usually a tree consists of single or multiple nodes with a parent-child relation but it may be empty.
    • Each element/node of the tree (except Root – the single top & a special element/node that may have zero or more nodes/subtrees and also without any parent) has a parent and zero or more children elements.
    • A tree may be empty or having no nodes i.e. an empty tree is also a tree.
    • The number of nodes may be different for each node in the tree.

    Types of Tree

    There are following types of tree –

    1. Binary Tree
    2. Binary Search Tree(BST)
    3. AVL Tree
    4. Heap
    5. B and B+ Tree
    6. Red-Black Tree
    7. Splay Tree
    8. AA Tree
    9. 2-3 Tree
    10. Huffman Tree

    Use/Application of Tree

    • General tree structure is used to store hierarchical data/information such as in folder/directory structures of a hard disk drive.
    • In XML parser that uses tree data structure.
    • The decision tree concept are used in machine learning algorithm.
    • Tree data structure concept is used in DNS structure.
    • Normally a database uses tree data structure for indexing.
    • The internal architecture of social networking sites use the concept of tree data structure.
    Categories: Tree


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