Table of Contents
Example : A Python program to display a larger value from accepted two values using an if statement.
num1 = input("Enter first value = ")
num2 = input("Enter second value = ")
if num1 > num2:
print(num1, "is greater than", num2)
if num1 < num2:
print(num2, "is greater than", num1)
if num1 == num2:
print("Both are Equal")
Enter first value = 20
Enter second value = 20
Both are Equal
Example : A Python program to display the largest value from accepted three values using an if statement.
num1 = input("Enter first value = ")
num2 = input("Enter second value = ")
num3 = input("Enter third value = ")
if num1 > num2 and num1 >num3:
print(num1, "is greater than", num2, "and", num3)
if num2 > num1 and num2 >num3:
print(num2, "is greater than", num1, "and", num3)
if num3 > num1 and num3 >num2:
print(num3, "is greater than", num1, "and", num2)
if num1 == num2 == num3:
print("All the values are equal")
Enter first value = 10
Enter second value = 10
Enter third value = 10
All the values are equal
Example : A Python program to display a larger value from accepted two values using an if-else statement.
age = input("Enter your age value = ")
if int(age) > 18:
print("Eligible for Vote")
print("Not eligible for Vote")
Enter your age value = 45
Eligible for Vote
Example : A Python program to display the accepted single value is Odd or Even using an if-else statement.
num1 = input("Enter a value = ")
if int(num1) % 2 == 0:
print (num1, "is Even no.")
print (num1, "is Odd no.")
Enter a value = 23
23 is Odd no.
Example : A Python program to display the Grade of a student appearing in an exam using an if-elif-else statement.
tmarks = input("Enter your obtained total marks between 300 to 900 = ")
if int(tmarks) > 900 or int(tmarks) < 300:
print("Entered Total marks are Incorrect, Check Again and Re-enter")
elif int(tmarks) >= 700 and int(tmarks) <= 900:
print("A++ Grade")
elif int(tmarks) >= 600 and int(tmarks) <= 699:
print("A Grade")
elif int(tmarks) >= 500 and int(tmarks) <= 599:
print("B Grade")
elif int(tmarks) >= 400 and int(tmarks) <= 499:
print("C Grade")
print("Not Satisfactory")
Enter your obtained total marks between 300 to 900 = 600
A Grade
Example : A Python program to display the name of days using a Switch/Match Case Statement.
value = int(input("Enter your choice between 1-7 = "))
match value:
case 1:
print ("Sunday")
case 2:
print ("Monday")
case 3:
print ("Tuesday")
case 4:
print ("Wednesday")
case 5:
print ("Thursday")
case 6:
print ("Friday")
case 7:
case default:
print ("something")
#case _:
#print ("something")
Enter your choice between 1-7 = 4
------------------ OR -------------------
value = (input("Enter your small vowel letters = "))
match value:
case "a":
print ("First vowel letter a ")
case "A":
print("First vowel letter A ")
case "e":
print ("Second vowel letter e ")
case "E":
print("Second vowel letter E ")
case "i":
print ("Third vowel letter i ")
case "I":
print("Third vowel letter I ")
case "o":
print ("Fourth vowel letter o ")
case "O":
print("Fourth vowel letter O ")
case "u":
print("Fifth vowel letter u ")
case "U":
print("Fifth vowel letter U ")
case default:
print ("Other letters")
#case _:
#print ("something")
Enter your small vowel letters = U
Fifth vowel letter U
------------------ OR -------------------
value1 = int(input("Enter First Number = "))
value2 = int(input("Enter Second Number = "))
choice=input("Enter your operation = ")
match choice:
case "add":
print (value1 + value2)
case "sub":
print(value1 - value2)
case "mul":
print (value1 * value2)
case "div":
print(value1 / value2)
case "mod":
print (value1 % value2)
case default:
print ("Other letters")
#case _:
#print ("something")
Enter First Number = 45
Enter Second Number = 6
Enter your operation = mod
NB: 'match' keyword is available from python version 3.10
Some Important links: