Introduction of Filters in AJS

  •  Filters in AJS enable us to apply common formatting tasks with minimal effort, improving code readability and maintainability.

Definition of Filters in AJS

  • Angular filters are a powerful feature that allows us to format and manipulate data displayed in our Angular application.
  • Filters provide a convenient way to transform data before it is presented to the user, whether it’s formatting text, numbers, dates, or even custom data structures.
  • In Angular JS, filters are used to format the data displayed to the user. 

Features of Filters in AJS

  • Filters can be applied in various parts of expressions of the Angular application, such as templates, controllers, or services.
  • Syntax:
They can be applied in templates using the :  {{ expression | filter:options }}
Filter Expression: This is the value to be filtered.
Pipe (|): This symbol is used to apply a filter to the expression.
Filter Name: This specifies which filter to use.
Options: These are optional parameters that can be passed to the filter.
  • Filters are typically used for formatting data, such as currency, dates, numbers, or even custom formats.


  • AngularJS provides several built-in filters for common tasks like formatting numbers, dates, and currency, as well as filtering arrays and objects.
  • Some commonly used built-in filters are as follows:-
    • currency: Formats a number as a currency.
    • date: Formats a date.
    • filter: Filters an array based on specified criteria.
    • json: Formats an object as a JSON string.
    • limitTo: Limits an array/string to a specified number of elements/characters.
    • lowercase: Converts a string to lowercase.
    • uppercase: Converts a string to uppercase.
    • orderBy: Orders an array by a specified property.
    • number: Formats a number as text.
  • Custom Filters :
    • we can also create custom filters by using them with our AngularJS module using the filter() method.
    • Custom filters can be useful for implementing specific formatting or data manipulation logic tailored to your application’s needs.
    • Syntax :
.filter(‘customFilter’, function()
     return function(input)
               // Write some required processingoutput codes here
               return processedOutput;
To use the above-created custom filter in the HTML file:
<p>{{ someData | customFilter }}</p>

Examples of Filters in AJS

Example : An AJS program example to display common Filters.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myApp">

      <title>Angular Filters Example</title>
      <script src=""></script>

      <div ng-controller="MyController">
         <p>My Country is = {{ myText | uppercase }}</p>
         <p>Currency Value in Dollar is =  {{ myNumber | currency }}</p>
         <p>The Current Full Date is = {{ myDate | date:'fullDate' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Long Date is = {{ myDate | date:'longDate' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Short Date is = {{ myDate | date:'shortDate' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Medium Date is = {{ myDate | date:'mediumDate' }}</p>
         <p>The Full Name of Day is = {{ myDate | date:'EEEE' }}</p>
         <p>The Short Name of Day is = {{ myDate | date:'EEE' }}</p>        
         <p>The Current Date is = {{ myDate | date:'dd' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Date is = {{ myDate | date:'d' }}</p>         
         <p>The Week of the Year is = {{ myDate | date:'ww' }}</p> 
         <p>The Current Month is = {{ myDate | date:'LLLL' }}</p>        
         <p>The Current Date is = {{ myDate | date:'MMM-dd' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Date is = {{ myDate | date:'yyyy-MMM-dd' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Date is = {{ myDate | date:'dd-MMM-yyyy' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Date is = {{ myDate | date:'dd-MMMM-yyyy' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Date is = {{ myDate | date:'d-M-yyyy' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Date is = {{ myDate | date:'dd/MM/yyyy' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Date is = {{ myDate | date:'dd-MMM-yy' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Day and Date is = {{ myDate | date:'EEEE dd-MMM-yyyy' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Day,Date and Time is = {{ myDate | date:'EEEE dd-MMM-yyyy h:mm:ss a' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Time is = {{ myDate | date:'HH:mm:ss' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Time is = {{ myDate | date:'h:mm a' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Time is = {{ myDate | date:'h:mm:ss a' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Time is = {{ myDate | date:'h:mm:ss:sss a' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Time with Time Zone is = {{ myDate | date:'h:mm:ss:sss a Z' }}</p>
         <p>The Current Date and Time is = {{ myDate | date:"MM/dd/yyyy 'at' h:mm a" }}</p>
         <p>The Current Date and Time is = {{ myDate | date:"MM/dd/yyyy @ h:mm a" }}</p>         

         angular.module('myApp', []).controller('MyController', function($scope)
            $scope.myText = 'hello india';
            $scope.myNumber = 1234.56;
            $scope.myDate = new Date();                         



My Country is = HELLO INDIA


Currency Value in Dollar is = $1,234.56


The Current Full Date is = Friday, May 3, 2024

The Current Long Date is = May 3, 2024

The Current Short Date is = 5/3/24

The Current Medium Date is = May 3, 2024


The Full Name of Day is = Friday

The Short Name of Day is = Fri


The Current Date is = 03

The Current Date is = 3


The Week of the Year is = 18

The Current Month is = May

The Current Date is = May-03

The Current Date is = 2024-May-03

The Current Date is = 03-May-2024

The Current Date is = 03-May-2024

The Current Date is = 3-5-2024

The Current Date is = 03/05/2024

The Current Date is = 03-May-24

The Current Day and Date is = Friday 03-May-2024

The Current Day,Date and Time is = Friday 03-May-2024 10:37:01 PM


The Current Time is = 22:37:01

The Current Time is = 10:37 PM

The Current Time is = 10:37:01 PM

The Current Time is = 10:37:01:492 PM

The Current Time with Time Zone is = 10:37:01:492 PM +0530


The Current Date and Time is = 05/03/2024 at 10:37 PM

The Current Date and Time is = 05/03/2024 @ 10:37 PM
Example : An AJS program example to Display Uppercase Filters.
<!DOCTYPE html>
   <script src=""></script>
      <div ng-app="app1" ng-controller="controller1">
         <p>The Country Name is = {{ countryName | uppercase }}</p>
         <p>The State Name is = {{ stateName | uppercase }}</p>
         <p>The City Name is = {{ cityName | uppercase }}</p>

         <p>The Complete Address is = {{ countryName | uppercase }}, {{ stateName | uppercase }}, {{ cityName | uppercase }} </p>

         angular.module('app1', []).controller('controller1', function($scope) 
            $scope.countryName = "India",
            $scope.stateName = "Bihar",
            $scope.cityName = "Patna"


The Country Name is = INDIA

The State Name is = BIHAR

The City Name is = PATNA

The Complete Address is = INDIA, BIHAR, PATNA
Example : An AJS program example to Display OrderBy Filters for Array data.
<!DOCTYPE html>
   <script src=""></script>
   <div ng-app="app1" ng-controller="controller1">
      <table border="1" width="50%">
            <th ng-click="orderByAsc('sname')">Click to Arrange By Name</th>
            <th ng-click="orderByAsc('cname')">Click to Arrange By Country</th>
         <tr ng-repeat="x in address | orderBy:OrderedList">

      angular.module('app1', []).controller('controller1', function($scope) 
         $scope.address = [
            {sname:'M',cname:'New Delhi'},
         $scope.orderByAsc = function(x) 
            $scope.OrderedList = x;



Click to Arrange By Name	Click to Arrange By Country
B	                          Mumbai
D	                          Benglure
A	                          Pune
C	                          Hyderabad
M	                          New Delhi
K	                          Kolkata
N	                          Ahemdabad
D	                          Mumbai
B	                          Pune


Categories: AJS


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