Forms in AJS

Introduction of Forms in AJS These are just some of the basic features of forms in AngularJS. Definition of Forms in AJS In AngularJS, forms are an essential part of building interactive web applications. AngularJS provides powerful features for creating and managing forms, including data binding, validation, and submission handling.  Read more…


Filters in AJS

Introduction of Filters in AJS  Filters in AJS enable us to apply common formatting tasks with minimal effort, improving code readability and maintainability. Definition of Filters in AJS Angular filters are a powerful feature that allows us to format and manipulate data displayed in our Angular application. Filters provide a Read more…


Expressions and Controllers in AJS

Expressions and Controllers in AJS (A) Expressions in AJS Link for AJS Expressions Program Examples AngularJS expressions are pure JavaScript expressions and output the data where they are used. Expressions in AJS are meant to be simple and are primarily used for data binding and simple logic in the view Read more…


Directives Examples in AJS

Examples : A basic program of Directives Examples in AJS. Examples : A basic program of AJS Expressions to Add two numbers. Examples : A basic program of AJS Expressions to do Simple Arithmetic Calculator Operations. Examples : A basic program of AJS Expressions to do Simple Arithmetic Operations with Read more…



Introduction of MVC in AJS MVC stands for Model View Controller.  It is still used today in web development. Definition of MVC in AJS MVC is an industry-standard software design pattern for developing web applications. AngularJS is an MVC-based framework for front-end web application development. MVC is a fundamental design paradigm of AngularJS that Read more…


Modules in AJS

Introduction of Modules in AJS AngularJS modules play a crucial role in structuring and organizing AngularJS applications, providing modularity, encapsulation, and dependency management capabilities. Definition  of Modules in AJS In AngularJS, modules are a fundamental building block of an application that are used to encapsulate different parts of an application Read more…


Services in AJS

Introduction of Services in AJS Services play a crucial role in AngularJS applications by promoting modularity, reusability, and separation of concerns. By encapsulating common functionality within services, we can create more maintainable and scalable applications. Definition of Services in AJS In AngularJS, services are singletons that provide specific functionality or data Read more…


Directives in AJS

Definition of Directives in AJS In Angular, directives are a powerful feature that allows developers to extend HTML functionality and add behavior to elements with custom attributes, elements, and structural behavior.  Characteristics of Directives in AJS Directives enable developers to create reusable components, add behavior to elements, and manipulate the DOM Read more…



Definition of Framework A framework is a pre-built structure or set of tools that provides a foundation for developing software applications. Characteristics of Framework Framework provides code reusability because it is essentially a pre-designed set of components, libraries, and conventions that help developers build and organize code more efficiently as they Read more…


Fundamentals of AJS

Introduction or Fundamentals of AJS The basics of birth or fundamentals of AJS were initially released in 2010.  AngularJS is often referred to as Angular 1.x, while Angular refers to versions 2 and later. Angular (versions 2 and beyond) introduced significant changes and improvements, and the syntax and architecture are Read more…
