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1. Fundamentals of Computers

There are several topics of Interview Questions in Computer Fundamentals explained below –

Fundamentals of Computers

Ques. : What is Hardware?
Ques. : What is Software?
Ques. : Explain types of Computer Software.
Ques. : What are the three types of language processors/translators?
Ques. : What is Firmware?
Ques. : What is a Computer Program and Computer  Software?
Ques. : What is the full form of API? What is the function of API?
Ques. : Why are computers called automatic machines?
Ques. : How many bits are required to represent a character in a computer?
Ques. : Who is the father of computers?
Ques. : What do you mean by Artificial intelligence?
Ques. : What is BIOS in a computer system?
Ques : What is Bit?
Ques : What is Byte?
Ques : What are the characteristics of a Computer?
Ques : Define Bit, Nibble, Byte, and Kilobyte.
Ques : What are the basic operations of a Computer?
Ques : What is Compiler, Assembler, and Interpreter?
Ques : What are the components of the computer system?
Ques : Define Data and Information.
Ques : Define Headers and Footers.
Ques : What is ASCII Code?
Ques : Which day is celebrated as World Computer Literacy Day? (December 2)
Ques : Who is known as the Human-Computer of India? (Shakunthala Devi)
Ques : What is meant by Liveware? (People who work with the computer)
Ques : Which computer engineer got the Nobel Prize for literature in 2003? (J.M. Coetzee)
Ques : What is a Beta Test? (Trial test of a computer or software before the commercial launch)
Ques : ‘Do no evil’ is the tag line of … (Google)
Ques : First Indian cinema released through the internet is … (Vivah)
Ques : was founded by… (Ajith Balakrishnan and Manish Agarwal)
Ques : What is the extension of PDF? (Portable document format)
Ques : Which IT company’s nickname is ‘ The Big Blue ‘? (IBM)
Ques : What is the full form of  IEEE? (Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers)
Ques : Email was developed by… (Raymond Samuel Tomlinson (Ray Tomlinson))
Ques : What is the expanded form of CMOS? (Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor)
Ques : Who is Netizen ? (Net Citizen (Citizen who uses the internet))
Ques : When was the first smartphone launched? (1992, IBM Simon)

History of Computers

Ques. : When was the first computer developed? What is the name of that computer?

Generation of Computers

Ques. : What is UNIVAC?
Ques : The Computer size was very large in which generation.
Ques. : What are the basic characteristics of First-generation computers?
Ques. : Which programming language was used to program first-generation computers?
Ques. : Which was the first microprocessor and when was it developed?
Ques. : Why was Charles Babbage called the father of computers?
Ques. : Name any three electro-mechanical computers.
Ques. : Who invented the Vacuum tube diode and when?
Ques. : Name the computers developed by J.P. Eckert and John Mauchly.
Ques. : Which was the first electronic computer?

Classification of Computers

Ques. :  What are the types of computers?
Ques. : What distinguishes mainframe computers from supercomputers?

Central Processing Unit (CPU) of Computers

Ques. : The basic architecture of the computer was developed by? 
Ques. : What is a microprocessor? 
Ques. : Name some of the popular Microprocessor manufacturers. (INTEL, Zelog, AMD, CYREX, Motorola etc.)
Ques. : What is a system clock?
Ques. : What is a Bus in a Computer System?
Ques. : Which is the largest and most powerful computer?
Ques. : What is the unit to measure the speed of the microprocessor?
Ques. : What is the unit to measure the speed of Super Computers?
Ques. : What is the brain of a Computer?
Ques. : What is the main task of the central processing unit?
Ques. The world’s first microprocessor is … (Intel 4004)
Ques. : What are the basic operations of a Computer?

Input Devices of Computers

Ques. : What are Trackball and Joystick in computers?
Ques. : What can a digitizer be used for?
Ques. : What is a Light Pen?
Ques. : Explain the use of the Webcam.
Ques. : What is a Smart Card? What type of information is stored in it?
Ques. : Is whether the Microphone is an input or output device? Why it is used?
Ques. : What is an expansion port and expansion slot?
Ques. : What are the different types of ports in Computers?
Ques. : How AGP port is better for faster video processing?
Ques. : What is the maximum number of devices you can connect using a USB port?
Ques. : What are Peripheral Devices?
Ques. : Give some important examples of input units/devices.
Ques : What is Clipboard?
Ques : Mows is a type of mouse for …….. people (Physically handicapped people).

Memory System of Computers

Ques. : Which one is the fastest memory of a computer?
Ques. : Which one is the slowest memory of a computer?
Ques. : Which one is the largest memory of a computer?
Ques. : Which one is the smallest memory of a computer?
Ques. : What is memory hierarchy in computers?
Ques. : What is a volatile memory?
Ques. : What is non-volatile memory?
Ques. : What is RAM?
Ques. : What is SRAM and DRAM?
Ques. : What is ROM?
Ques. : What are the types of ROM?
Ques. : What is Flash Memory?
Ques. : Give 3 examples of optical disks.
Ques. : What is CD-ROM/DVD-ROM?
Ques. : What is cache memory?
Ques. : What is the difference between disk and disc?
Ques. : Who invented the Compact Disc? (James T Russel)

Output Devices of Computers

Ques. : Why impact printers are noisy?
Ques. : What is a Plotter?
Ques. : What are soft copy output and hard copy output?
Ques. : Give some important examples of output units/devices.

There are several topics of Interview Questions in Computer Fundamentals explained above-

There are several topics of Interview Questions in Computer Fundamentals explained above-



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