
  • DCL stands for Data Control Language.
  • DCL statements are crucial for managing database security by controlling who has access to what data and what operations they can perform.


  • DCL statements are a collection of those SQL statements that are used to control security and concurrent access to the stored (table) data from the user in a database i.e. it functions like as authorization
  • In Database Management Systems (DBMS), Data Control Language (DCL) statements are used to control access to data in a database. 


  • These statements allow or restrict the user from accessing data in the database.
  • These statements are mainly applied to DDL and DML statements.
  • These statements especially the use of GRANT and REVOKE help ensure that only authorized users can perform specific actions on the database, thereby protecting sensitive data and maintaining data integrity.


  • DCL primarily consists of – REVOKE, GRANT, DENY, etc. commands/statements.
  • GRANT 
    • The Grant command is used to give users access privileges to the users or specified groups or databases to do SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table or multiple tables of a database.
    • The GRANT statement is used to assign privileges to database users. The privileges can be applied to various database objects like tables, views, procedures, etc.
    • Syntax:

GRANT privilege_type ON object_name TO {user | role}

    • The REVOKE command is used to take back or return a privilege/grant permission(default) from the users or specified groups.
    • In other words, the REVOKE statement is used to remove privileges from database users.
    • Syntax:

REVOKE privilege_type ON object_name FROM {user | role}

  • DENY
    • Deny command bans certain permissions from groups/users.
Example : How do you give Administrator power to a newly created or another User in Oracle 10g/11g?
SQL> grant all privileges to system1;(Press Enter)
Grant succeeded.

NB: system1 is the user name.
----------- OR ----------

SQL> grant dba to system1;(Press Enter)
Grant succeeded.

----------- OR ----------

SQL> grant connect, resource, dba to system1;(Press Enter)
Grant succeeded.

----------- OR ----------

SQL> grant resource,create session,create table,create view,create any synonym,create procedure,
create sequence to system1;(Press Enter)
Grant succeeded.

----------- OR ----------

SQL>GRANT SELECT ON Emp TO read_only_user;
(Granting Read-Only Access to a Emp Table)

NB: Here, system1 is user name.

To create new user-

To create a new user go to this link

Example : How to give selective permission to a newly created or another User in Oracle 10g/11g.
- Grant SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE on Emp To System1;(Press Enter)

- Grant SELECT on Emp To System1;(Press Enter)

Here, we gave privileges to a new user System1 to do SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operation on the Emp table.
Example : How to take back or withdraw Insert operation power only from a User on a specific table in Oracle 10g/11g.
- Revoke INSERT On Emp from System1;(Press Enter)


Example : How to Ban or Stop providing Update privileges or power or permission to a User(System1) on a specific table(Emp) in Oracle 10g/11g.
Deny Update On Emp to System1;(Press Enter)


Categories: SQL


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