
  • A scheduling chart is an essential tool for project managers and software development teams to stay organized and ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.


  • A scheduling chart in software development is a visual representation of the activities and tasks that need to be completed over a certain period of time. It provides a clear and organized way to manage tasks, allocate resources, and track progress.


  • In software development, a scheduling chart usually includes a list of tasks, their dependencies, the estimated time required to complete each task, and the team members responsible for them.
  • The scheduling chart can be created using a variety of tools, such as Gantt charts or Kanban boards.
  • A typical scheduling chart in software development may include tasks such as software design, coding, testing, bug fixing, code review, and documentation. Each task is assigned a specific time slot or day in the chart, and team members can refer to the chart to see what tasks they need to work on at any given time.
  • Scheduling charts are useful in software development as they help the developer team to:-
    • Visualize the project timeline and identify any potential roadblocks or delays.
    • Allocate resources effectively by identifying tasks that can be done in parallel or require specific skills.
    • Manage priorities and ensure that critical tasks are completed on time.
    • Track progress and make adjustments as needed.


  • It helps the software team to plan and manage their work effectively, ensuring that developing tasks are completed on time and that team members are aware of what needs to be done.

Types of Scheduling Chart

  • Each type of scheduling chart has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which chart to use depends on the specific needs of the project and the preferences of the project manager.
  • There are various types of scheduling charts used in project management, including:
    1. Gantt chart: A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart that visually represents the schedule of tasks in a project. It shows the start and end dates of each task, as well as the dependencies between tasks.
    2. Network diagram: A network diagram is a visual representation of the project schedule that shows the interdependencies between tasks using boxes and arrows. It helps to identify the critical path and potential delays in the project.
    3. Pert chart: A PERT chart is a project management tool that stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique. It is a visual representation of a project schedule that shows the dependencies between tasks, along with the estimated duration of each task.
    4. Milestone chart: A milestone chart is a timeline that shows the major milestones or deliverables in a project, along with their due dates. It is useful for tracking progress and ensuring that the project is on schedule.
    5. Resource allocation chart: A resource allocation chart is a visual representation of the resources required for a project, such as personnel, equipment, and materials. It helps to ensure that the resources are available when needed and that they are used efficiently.

Gantt Chart

  • A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart used in project management to visualize the project schedule. It is named after Henry Gantt, an American engineer who developed the chart in the early 20th century.
  • A Gantt chart is a type of scheduling chart used in project management to represent the timeline of tasks and activities in a project.
  • Gantt charts are a powerful tool for project management, as they provide a clear visual representation of the project schedule, help to identify potential delays and bottlenecks and facilitate communication between team members and stakeholders.
  • It is a bar chart that shows the start and end dates of tasks, as well as the dependencies between tasks.
  • Gantt charts can be created manually using a spreadsheet or by using specialized project management software that allows for easy customization and updating of the chart.
  • Modern Gantt chart software allows project managers to easily create and modify Gantt charts, track progress, and allocate resources. 
  • Structure of a Gantt chart:
    • Time Scale: A Gantt chart typically uses a time scale along the horizontal axis, which can be divided into days, weeks, or months, depending on the duration of the project and the level of detail required.
    • Task List: The chart also includes a vertical axis that lists the tasks or activities in the project. Each task is represented by a horizontal bar that spans the duration of the task and is positioned along the time scale according to the start and end dates of the task.
    • Dependencies: The Gantt chart also shows the dependencies between tasks using arrows or lines. These show which tasks must be completed before other tasks can begin, and help to identify the critical path of the project.
    • Progress: As the project progresses, the Gantt chart can be updated to show the actual start and end dates of tasks, as well as the percentage of completion. This helps to track progress and identify any delays or issues in the project.
    • Resource allocation: Gantt charts can also be used to show the allocation of resources, such as personnel and equipment, to tasks in the project. This helps to ensure that resources are used efficiently and that there are no conflicts or overbooking of resources.

The above structure can be summarised as –

    • In a Gantt chart, each task or activity is represented by a horizontal bar that spans the duration of the task.
    • The start date of the task is shown on the left side of the bar, while the end date is shown on the right side of the bar.
    • The bars are arranged in order of their start dates, and they may be color-coded or labeled to indicate different phases or categories of the project.
    • Dependencies between tasks can be shown using arrows or lines that connect the bars. This helps to visualize the order in which tasks need to be completed and any potential delays that may arise if a task is delayed.
    • The critical path, which is the sequence of tasks that must be completed on time to ensure that the project is completed on schedule, can be identified using the Gantt chart.

Pert Chart

  • PERT charts were first developed in the 1950s as a way to manage complex engineering projects.
  • A PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) chart, is a project management tool that is used to schedule, organize, coordinate and represent and analyze the tasks within a project.
  • It is designed to help project managers plan and organize complex projects by breaking them down into individual tasks and identifying the relationships between those tasks.
  • PERT charts are particularly useful for large, complex projects with many interdependent tasks. They help project managers to identify potential bottlenecks, anticipate delays, and allocate resources effectively.
  • PERT charts can be used in combination with other project management tools, such as Gantt charts, to provide a comprehensive view of the project schedule and progress.
  • PERT charts are useful for managing complex projects with many interdependent tasks, as they provide a clear visual representation of the project schedule, help to identify potential delays and bottlenecks and facilitate communication between team members and stakeholders.
  • Strucutre of PERT Chart:
    • In a PERT chart, each task is represented by a node or box, and these nodes are connected by arrows that show the dependencies between the tasks.
    • In a PERT chart, tasks are represented by nodes/boxes, and the dependencies between tasks are connected/represented by arrows. The nodes represent events or milestones within the project, such as the start or completion of a task, while the arrows represent the sequence of tasks and their dependencies. The length of the arrows indicates the time required to complete the task. The arrows indicate the flow of the project, and they represent the sequence in which tasks must be completed. The direction of the arrows is from the predecessor task to the successor task.
    • The PERT chart includes three types of time estimates for each task: optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely. These estimates are used to calculate the expected time for each task and for the overall project which is represented by a weighted average of the three estimates. By using these time estimates, the PERT chart can help project managers to account for uncertainties and risks in the project schedule and to identify the critical path, which is the sequence of tasks that will take the longest time to complete and will therefore determine the overall duration of the project. Tasks that lie on the critical path must be completed on time to ensure that the project is completed on schedule. By identifying the critical path, project managers can focus their resources and efforts on the most important tasks and ensure that the project is completed on time.



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