
  • A system is a collection of interrelated components that work together towards a common goal or purpose. It can be a physical or abstract entity, consisting of inputs, processes, and outputs that interact with one another to achieve a specific function or objective.
  • In general, a system can be defined as an organized collection of elements or components that are designed and operated to achieve a specific objective or set of objectives.
  • In general, a system can be described as a set of interconnected and interdependent components or parts that work together to achieve a particular goal or function. 


  • A system can be physical, such as a mechanical system, or conceptual, such as a software system.
  • The study of systems is known as systems theory, which involves analyzing the behavior and interactions of complex systems and developing strategies for optimizing their performance.
  • The elements or components of a typical system may include people, machines, tools, software, and other resources that are brought together and organized in a specific way to achieve a desired outcome.


  • Examples of systems are computer operating systems, transportation systems, financial systems, political systems, biological systems, and many others.



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