
  • Client-server architectures are common in many modern database systems.
  • They form the basis for various applications, ranging from enterprise systems to web applications and mobile apps that rely on accessing and manipulating data stored in a centralized database.


  • A client-server database system is an architecture, framework, or environment where data storage, processing, and access are divided between two distinct entities – the client and the server.
    • Client Database:
      • The client database is the user interface or application that interacts with the database server.
      • It can be a desktop application, a web application, or any software that accesses the database.
      • The client sends requests to the server database for data retrieval, manipulation, or storage.
    • Server Database:
      • The server database hosts the database and the DBMS application.
      • It manages the storage of data, processes queries, and responds to client requests.
      • The server handles the actual storage and retrieval of data, executing operations requested by the client.
  • In a client-server database architecture, we have the following components:-
    • Communication:
      • Communication between the client and server typically occurs over a network, often using protocols like TCP/IP.
      • Here, the client sends SQL queries or commands to the server, which interprets and executes them.
    • Data Processing:
      • The server is responsible for executing database operations as requested by the clients.
      • It processes queries, retrieves data, performs updates, and manages the storage of information in the database.
    • Concurrency and Security:
      • The server manages concurrent access to the database, ensuring data integrity and security by enforcing access controls, handling transactions, and preventing conflicts among multiple users or clients accessing the same data.
    • Scalability:
      • Client-server architectures can be scaled by adding more powerful servers, improving network infrastructure, or load-balancing across multiple servers to handle increased client demand or larger databases.
    • Centralized Management:
      • Centralizing the database on a server allows for easier management, backup, and administration of data, as opposed to having data distributed across multiple client devices.


Categories: DBMS


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