Difference between DBMS and RDBMS

01.DBMS stands for 'Database Management System'.RDBMS stands for 'Relational Database Management System'.
02.Here, data is stored in the file format.Here, data is stored in table format .
03.Data is stored comparatively in small quantity.Data is stored in a large amount.
04.For Example - MS Access, XML etc.For Example - Oracle, Sql Server, MySql etc.
05.Normally DBMS supports a single user.Normally RDBMS supports multiple users.
06.Multiple files can not be linked together.Multiple tables can be linked together to get the required information when needed.
07.Have comparatively low security level.Have comparatively higher security level.
08.Here, data redundancy is common.Here, data redundancy is reduced.
09.The software and hardware requirements are low.The software and hardware requirements are higher.
10.Does not support Normalisation concept.Supports Normalisation concept.
11.Does not support Client Server Architecture.Supports Client Server Architecture.

Difference between File System and DBMS

SlnoFile SystemDBMS
01.Redundant data is present.No presence of redundant data.
02.Query processing(SQL) is not applicable/efficient in this.Query processing(SQL) is applicable or efficient in this.
03.Does not support Normalization hence the data consistency is less.Support normalisation, hence the data consistency is high.
04.Simple structure or Less ComplexComplex Structure.
05.Does not support complicated transactions.Support heavy or complicated transactions.
06.Less Secure comparatively.Supports more security mechanisms.
07.Less expensive or set up and maintenance cost comparatively.Higher set up and maintenance cost comparatively.
08.Does not support crash recovery mechanisms. Crash recovery mechanism is highly supported.
09.Examples are COBOL, C++, etcExamples are Oracle, MySql, SQL Server etc.
10.Does not Support fast and unique search.Support fast and unique search.
11.Editing flexibility is poor.Editing flexibility is effective.
12.There is no existence of data models.It supports several data models - Hierarchal data models, Network data models, Relational data models etc.
13.The file system is a way of arranging the files (contains data) in a secondary storage of a computer.DBMS is an advanced type of software for managing the complex database.
Categories: DBMS


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