Reference Books DBMS

Slno Book's Name Authors Publications 01. Fundamental of Database Systems Elmasri Navathe Pearson Publication Asia 02. An Introduction to Database Systems C.J.Date, Addison Wesley Pearson Education Press 03. Database System Concepts Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan Tata McGraw Hill(TMH) 04. Database Management System Bipin C. Desai BPB Publications 05. Read more…


Miscellaneous Topics DBMS

Database A database is an organized collection of data, typically stored and accessed electronically from a computer system. It’s designed to efficiently manage, store, and retrieve information. A database consists of tables, which are sets of data organized into rows (entries or records) and columns (fields or attributes). Databases use Read more…


Difference Between DBMS

Slno DBMS RDBMS 01. DBMS stands for ‘Database Management System’. RDBMS stands for ‘Relational Database Management System’. 02. Here, data is stored in the file format. Here, data is stored in table format . 03. Data is stored comparatively in small quantity. Data is stored in a large amount. 04. Read more…


Client Server Database

Introduction Client-server architectures are common in many modern database systems. They form the basis for various applications, ranging from enterprise systems to web applications and mobile apps that rely on accessing and manipulating data stored in a centralized database. Definition A client-server database system is an architecture, framework, or environment Read more…


Object Oriented Databases (OODBMS)

Introduction Object-oriented databases offer a way to model and manage complex data structures more naturally, aligning closely with object-oriented programming paradigms.  Definition Object-oriented databases (OODBMS) are a type of database management system that stores data in the form of objects, encapsulating both data and methods (functions or procedures) that operate Read more…


Distributed DBMS(DDBMS)

Introduction of DDBMS Distributed databases play a crucial role in modern computing, having higher scalability, availability, and performance in handling large volumes of data across geographically dispersed locations. Definition of DDBMS Distributed databases are those types of systems that store data across multiple physical or logical locations, providing improved scalability, fault Read more…


File Organisation in DBMS

Definition File organization refers to the way or techniques that give how the data is structured and stored within computer files or database files. Characteristics There are various file organization methods exist to store data in files, each designed to optimize data retrieval, storage efficiency, and ease of access. File Read more…



Introduction Definition Normalization is the process of organizing data properly and efficiently to minimize data redundancy and inconsistencies in the database by dividing the larger or complex or redundant database into simpler and smaller ones and also linking them using proper relationships as per requirements. Characteristics The process of Normalization occurs Read more…


Redundancy and Anomaly

Introduction Redundancy and anomalies are issues that can arise in the design and management of databases. They can lead to data inconsistencies, inefficiencies, and difficulties in maintaining data integrity.  Proper database design, normalization, and the use of integrity constraints are essential practices to minimize these issues in a DBMS. Redundancy Read more…


Terminology in DBMS

Primary Keys A Primary key is a unique value in a column/field for a record in a table. It serves the data integrity and efficient data retrieval. Each value within the primary key column/field must be unique. No two/more records can have the same primary key value. Primary key columns Read more…
