Ques. : What is comment line symbol used in ASP .net ?
Ques. : What is the extension name of ASP .net file ?
Ques. : What is ASP .net ?
Ques. : What is full form of ASP .net ?
Ques. : What is the difference between C# and .Net ?
Ques. : Can you use C# without .net ?
Ques. : What is the difference between Classic ASP and ASP .net ?
Ques. : Is ASP .Net a programming language or framework ?
Ques. : What is PostBack in ASP .net ?
Ques. : How do you display message in ASP .net ?
Ques. : What are the various types of Validators used in ASP .net ?
Ques. : What is the difference between ASP .Net and MVC ?
Ques. : What is the difference between VB and ASP .net ?
Ques. : What is MVC framework and and why you are using MVC in your project ?
Ques. : Where is the Code of Controller, Model, and view in the project?
Ques. : What is the difference between ExecuteScalar and ExecuteNonQuery ?
Ques. : What is the default Web Server for ASP .net ?
Ques. : What are the various ways to send content from one page to another in ASP .net ?
Ques. : What is the difference between equals() and == in c# ?
Ques. : What is the Boxing and Unboxing in ASP .Net ?
Ques. : What is the difference debug and release ?