
  • TCP stands for ‘Transmission Control Protocol’.


  • TCP is a reliable, secure, guaranteed, connection-oriented protocol of the transport layer of TCP/IP protocol suite that provides in-order delivery of data.


  • TCP protocol is called reliable because of it guarantees that the data sent across the connection will be delivered exactly as sent (by the sender), without missing or duplicate data for the receiver. 
  • TCP protocol is called connection oriented because of it requests and creates a logical connection between sender and receiver first (before start sending the data), and then uses it for data transfer.
  • TCP has 20 Bytes Header control structure.
  • The DNS, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP etc. protocols use TCP protocol in their operations.


  • TCP is applied in Critical Applications processing.
  • TCP supports retransmission technology of lost data packets.
  • TCP supports support Data Packet Reorder mechanism.
  • TCP supports/use buffering and windowing mechanism to implement data Flow Control mechanism.
  • TCP supports advanced error checking mechanism.
  • TCP supports Acknowledgement mechanism.
  • TCP supports Handshaking(Three-way) mechanism.


  • TCP is comparatively slower than UDP.



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