Table of Contents hide
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program(WALP) to move/store a value of 100 to register AX.
.model tiny
.stack 50
.code	;program running started from here.
	move AX,100
	move AH,4CH	;or move AH,76
	int 21H		;or int 33

(i) This program is for starting to learn from base hence no output code is given and hence no output will be diplayed.
(ii) Here, semicolon(:) symbol is used to write commnets in the program. 
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to move/store a value of 76 to register DX, and ADD them with 25.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move DX,75
	add DX,25
	move AH,4CH	;Exit to OS or to coming back on the prompt.		
	int 21H	        ;The end of execution and back on prompt finally.			
end	                ;Making the end of the program.
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to move/store two values 25 & 35 in register DX and SI respectively, and ADD them & store the result in SI register finally.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move DX,25
	move SI,35
	add SI,DX
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to move/store two values 21h & 33 in two different one-byte registers/Half Registers. Add them and place the result in a third separate one-byte register.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move al,21h
	move bl,33
	add al,bl
	move cl,al
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to move/store hexa decimal values 4ch in one-byte registers/Half Registers BL. Move the value from BL register to a Full register AX.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move bl,4ch
	add al,bl
	move ah,00
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to move/store a value 75 in lower-byte register/Half Register. Make them a full Byte register with the same value.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move al,75
	move ah,00
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to move/store a value 55 in a higher-byte register/Half Register. Make them a full Byte register with the same value.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move ah,55
	move al,ah
	move ah,00
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to move/store 1-byte data ‘a’ on memory allocation 01101h of data segment area.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move SI,01101h
	move [SI],'a'	
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				

-------------  OR  --------------

.model tiny
.stack 50
	move SI,01101h
	move dl,'a'
	move [SI],dl	
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to move/store 1-byte data ‘a’ and ‘b’ on two consecutive memory locations 01101h of the data segment area of main memory.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move SI,01101h
	move al,'a'
	move [SI],al
	move al,'b'	
	move [SI+1],al
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				

-------------  OR  --------------

.model tiny
.stack 50
	move SI,01101h
	move ah,'a'
	move al,'b'
	move [SI],ax	
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				

-------------  OR  --------------

.model tiny
.stack 50
	move SI,01101h
	move al,'a'
	move [SI],al
	inc SI
	move al,'b'
	move [SI],al	
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to read 1-byte data from memory locations 01101h of the data segment area of the main memory into the DL register.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move SI,01101h
	move dl,[SI]	
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to read 1-byte data from memory locations 01101h of the data segment area of the main memory into the full register/two-byte register.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move SI,01101h
	move AX,[SI]	
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to read/accept 1-byte data from the user through a keyboard at run time [User Input].
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move ah,01	;User Input command to store 1-byte value in AL.
	int 21h	        ;Calling the interrupt for input device
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to display 1-byte static data * onto the Monitor screen [User Output].
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move ah,02	;Initializing 'ah' for displaying the 1-byte value available               
                         in DL register.
	move dl,'*'
	int 21h	
	move AH,4CH			
	int 21H				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to accept and display 1-byte dynamic data onto the screen [User Input-Output].
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move ah,01	
	  move dl,al
	move ah,02
	int 21h	
	move ah,4ch			
	int 21h				

   move ah,02
   int 21h
   [Print the contents on Console]
   move ah,09
   int 21h
   [Print the contents on DOS prompt]
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to accept a Character through the keyboard and place them on memory location 0101h.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move ah,01	
	move SI,0101h
	move [SI],al		
	move ah,4ch			
	int 21h				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to display a Character from a memory location 0101h.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move SI,0101h
	move dl,[SI]
	move ah,02 ;Print on Console
	move 21h		
	move ah,4ch			
	int 21h				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to display three consecutive characters from a memory location 0101h.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move SI,0101h
		move dl,[SI]
		move ah,02 
		move 21h
		inc SI		
		move dl,[SI]
		move ah,02 
		move 21h
		inc SI		
		move dl,[SI]
		move ah,02 
		move 21h		
		move ah,4ch
		int 21h					

-----------  OR  ------------

.model tiny
.stack 50
	move SI,0101h	
	move cx,3
	move ah,02	
	display next:
		move dl,[SI]
		int 21h		
		inc SI
		dec cx
		cmp cl,0
	JNE display next		
		move ah,4ch
		int 21h					
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to move 76 in AL and  4ch in  AH register. Compare them and if they are found equal, display ‘=’ sign otherwise display ‘X’ sign.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move al,76	
	move ah,4ch
	cmp al,ah
		JE Equal Value
		JNE Not Equal	
	Not Equal:
		move dl,'X'
		move ah,02		
		int 21h	
		JMP Lasting
	Equal Value:
		move dl,'='
		move ah,02
		int 21h
		JMP Lasting
		move ah,4ch
		int 21h					
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to display two String of length or size 10, available on the memory location 0110h and 1000h. Compare both the String and if they are equal print the ‘=’ sign otherwise ‘X’ sign.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	;Value Management
	move SI,1000h	
		mov bx,0
		mov cx,10
		mov ah,02
				mov dl,[SI+bx]
		int 21h
				inc bx
				dec cx
				cmp cx,0
			Jne Display1;
	move SI,0110h	
		mov bx,0
		mov cx,10
		mov ah,02
				mov dl,[SI+bx]
		int 21h
				inc bx
				dec cx
				cmp cx,0
			Jne Display2
	;Value Print after Comparision
	move SI,1000h	
	move DI,0110h
		mov bx,0
		mov cx,10
			mov DL,[SI+bx]
			cmp DL,[DI+bx]
			Jne Not_Equal
			inc bx
			dec cx
			cmp cx,0
		Jne Compare_Char
		Je Equal_String
		mov dl,'='
		mov ah,02
		int 21h
		Jmp Lasting
		mov dl,'X'
		mov ah,02
		int 21h
		Jmp Lasting
		mov ah,76
		int 33				
Ques. : Write an Assembly Language Program to display two String of length or size 10, available on the memory location 0110h and 1000h. Compare both the String and if they are equal print the ‘=’ sign otherwise ‘X’ sign using Loop.
.model tiny
.stack 50
	move SI,1000h	
		mov bx,0
		mov cx,10
		mov ah,02
				mov dl,[SI+bx]
			     int 21h
				inc bx
				Loop Display1
					mov SI,0110h
					mov bx,0
					mov cx,10
					mov ah,02	
				mov dl,[SI+bx]
			      int 21h
				inc bx
				Loop Display2
					mov SI, 1000h
					mov DI,0110h
					mov bx,0
					mov cx,10				
					mov dl,[SI+bx]
					cmp [DI+bx],dl
					inc bx

					Je Equal
					Jne Not Equal
				Loop Compare	
		mov dl,'='
		mov ah,02
		int 21h
		Jmp Lasting
	Not Equal:
		mov dl,'X'
		mov ah,02
		int 21h
		Jmp Lasting
		mov ah,76
		int 33				



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